Monday, July 18, 2016

Sleep and Coma Rant

I have spent many hours looking for the “lion shall lay down with the lamb” in Isaiah 11:6.  So far, I have searched in every physical Bible in my house and car. We have at least 10 paper Bibles (don’t be impressed; I am married to a minister, and I’ve checked every one of them. There’s no “lion and lamb.” I even looked at the Bible phone apps. No “lion and lamb” could be found. I’ve looked at PDFs of the Bible online also. The “lion and the lamb” continues to elude me.

A few days ago, I had what I thought was a good idea: check audio versions of the Bible online.  I found a company online that sells audio files of narrated Bibles, and I got excited. I thought, “Ah ha. I got you, Satan. I can prove that the scripture said, ‘the lion and the lamb.” I called the company that sells the narrated Bible. Before I placed an order, I asked the customer service person to read Isaiah 11:6 to me. After she said, “the wolf,” I stopped listening; I was heartbroken. She had no idea that the scripture should say, “the lion and the lamb,” and I thought, “Wow.” I was saddened because she had no idea that anything was different, yet her company sold Bibles.

A few days ago, I Goggled “the lion and the lamb,” The top listing under Google’s All category said “the lion shall lie down with the lamb is one of the most misquoted sayings. Wow! Then, I looked at Google pictures of the lion and the lamb. There were many pictures of the lion and the lamb, but the words on the artwork said, “the wolf shall dwell with the lamb.” I looked further down the page at more artwork, and what I saw shocked me. Someone posted a text picture that says, ‘the lion and the lamb exists only in artwork.’  Other rude comments were displayed on other pictures.

Last night, I searched for at least an hour; I listened to audio files of people narrating the Bible. All of the readers said, “the wolf ...” I heard people say the wrong words, but their voices matched the voices on the rest of the audio files. That was truly Twilight Zone freaky. I have literally become one of the people spoken of in the Bible who are looking for God’s Word but are unable to find it.
 I have repented to God for not having devoted more time to Bible study, over the years. Now that I reflect on this Mandela Effect thing, I realize that a thousand years of Bible study would not be enough time. I wish I could turn the clock back and turn the calendar back.

Here is the ironic thing; since June 17, 2016, I have spent an incredible amount of time in Bible study. I know what God has hidden in my heart, and I match my memories with what the Bible now says. 

Isaiah 11:6 must have been one of the first Bible scriptures to be changed; I suspect that is the reason for the cockiness and mockery on the part of the people (CERN) who used quantum physics in their experiments and have altered the printed and digital Bible. Actually, the folks behind the Mandela Effect altered every physical, digital, and audio version of the Bible and Bible commentary. The King James Version of the Bibles seems to have more changes than the other versions right now. These people didn’t bother to change artwork or songs. Part of the goal seems to be to play games with people’s minds and create division among Christians.

About a week ago, a shill mocked viewers during a YouTube Mandela Effect discussion. The comment was something along the lines of “You ‘Mandelas’ are undergoing mental gymnastics.” Right then I didn’t want to admit that the comment was true. This Mandela Effect can become all consuming. 

When I fell down this rabbit hole, I had encountered couple of people who said I must have mis-remembered. Christians have said that their Bible could not, would not ever change. I set out to show that the printed Word had indeed changed. Along the way, I discovered quite a lot of information about who, what, when, where, how, and why of this phenomenon. Unfortunately, I have been able to answer most of those questions completely. For my sake, I do mean unfortunately.

To get those questions answered, I had to stare directly into all aspects of the darkness caused by the Dark One. Remember how Moses’s face was so bright after he met with God, he had to cover over his face? Well, imagine continually look into the darkness, to understand the mind of the Enemy. I believe that God had me and others research answers to the hard questions so we can help rescue people who are headed for Hell. God told me that He wanted me to write, so I continue to write what I learn.

This Mandela thing has worn me out physically, mentally, and emotionally. I work full time, and then I go home to research information that God leads me to. I miss sleeping my usual eight hours and “sleeping in” a bit later on weekends.

The Bible says that the joy of the Lord gives me strength. My happiness is in knowing that God’s promises are still true. That knowledge gives me strength to keep going another day. I am spiritually strong, though. I had major, major concerns during the first couple of weeks after I was affected by the Effect. However, God guards my mind as I look into the darkness, as I try to keep others from feeling the darkness.

While on this journey, I’ve begun to comprehend the difference between words on paper that were inspired by God and the true Word, Jesus Christ. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  … The Word dwelt among us …” Jesus was the One who dwelt among men. When He died, He sent the Holy Spirit, our Comforter. The written Word was later put on paper as God’s love letter to the Church, as a way of directing us to Him.

When I read about the End Times, I always expected that the Bible would eventually be taken out of our hands. The Mandela Effect is worse than that; physical and digital versions of the Bible are being altered on a quantum level as we hold the Bibles, as they lay on tables and bookshelves. The reason I say this is worse is most people have no idea that anything is different. CERN is experimenting with the quark which is the smallest part of an atom. They are experimenting with what is even smaller than the smallest unit (With quantum physics, even that is possible.).  

The scientists are working around the clock. Because people can see their Bibles, many Christians have stuck their heads in the sand regarding the Mandela Effect. I asked a minster (I’ll call the minister Rev. Pat.) to fill in the blanks on some commonly-known scriptures. I also asked the minister what God hid in his/her heart about those scriptures. I compared my answers to Pat’s answers. It turned out that the Lord had hidden the same things on Pat’s heart as He had in my heart. Rev. Pat then pulled out a Bible dictionary. The minister proceeded to attempt to explain that the meanings of the words on some of the scriptures were the same as what he/she remembered, so the Bible had not changed. Wow! Now, that takes mental gymnastics. I wonder why Pat didn’t just use his KJV.

Maybe the denial of the Effect stems from an inability to understand how such as thing could be accomplished. Maybe the denial stems from an inability to truly comprehend something so evil. Either way, I have come to believe that it’s easier for a non-Christian to accept the Effect. I have come to believe that we Christians can be very narrow minded; we tend to reject anything that is remotely outside of our sphere of interest. This Quantum/Mandela (whatever you call it) is out of this world. 

Christians’ interests tend to revolve around getting more people in the pew. We tend not to focus on a true change of heart in ourselves or those who sit on the pews. Too often, we Christians become a cliquish group of hypocritical Pharisees and Sadducees. We Christians can sometimes act like we’re holier than Christ Himself, yet we gossip and lie on one another.

We tend to not listen to those who are hurting or work to genuinely help those individuals. Too many Christians only wait for a break in an unsaved person’s conversation so that we can persuade that person to join us on the church pew. Do we really see them? Do we really hear them? 

I wish we Christians could focus more on helping others to know the voice, nature, and will of God. That way, each of us will be able to know when God’s Word doesn’t match the written Word. Jesus came from heaven, taught the disciples and others, and died so that everyone could have a relationship with Him.
Don’t get me wrong. I know that there is a real need for having a gathering place, for the assembly of the brethren. However, in this time in history, we must know Him and help others come to know Him.

I want the Body of Christ to listen more, instead of just talking at people. Then, both the speakers and the listeners benefit. When dialog ensues, we learn from each other.

I do love my brothers and sisters in Christ. We've got to do better, though. This admonishments is out of love. Jesus is love; we must show love. One of these days, we will have to stand before the Father and give an account of the deeds done in our bodies.

Finally, sometimes, we must forsake ourselves and what makes us comfortable. We must come out of the spiritual comas. Too many us are plugged into the matrix, allowing the news media to tell us what is important and what to think. It’s time to wake up.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Connecting the dots.

I have not posted a blog in a while because I have been working on getting my website up and running. The following is on the main page of

This site is devoted to seeking Truth in scripture and elsewhere. The true Word of God is being changed as you read this text. The Bible told us that men would run to and fro seeking God's Word and not be able to find it. I always believed that passage meant that eventually all of the printed Bibles would be taken. Something much worse is happening than  having Bibles taken out of our hands. The words in the printed and digital versions of Bible are now being altered on a quantum level by CERN. 

CERN, an organization in  Switzerland and France, is using a D-Wave computer to search for the Higgs boson particle which is the smallest part of an atom. CERN's experiments effect the dimensions of time and space. On the quantum level, anything physical or digital can be manipulated. Remember how Jesus cursed the fig tree, and the tree was dead by the end of the day? Jesus' words effected the tree on the quantum level and caused the tree to die When Jesus walked on water, He temporarily changed each particles in the water to solid so he could walk on water. 

Apparently, the scientists at CERN who are toying with quantum physics do not like the Bible . Maybe their dislike of the Bible stems from the fact that they got forbidden knowledge from Satan and the fallen angels (along with power from demonic, Illuminati rituals). CERN is now using that knowledge.  Satan's end goal is to bring in the End of Days and the Antichrist.  Part of Satan's lie, the Strong Delusion, will be the arrival of an "alien" savior. The  "alien" will actually be a demon who will promise peace and safety but will actually bring destruction.  Since you are on the website, I hope you realize that we are in the first wave of that process. 

CERN uses the D-Wave computer to alter a whole world of changes, including physical and digital versions of the Bible.  Actually, the Bible seems to be the main target of change. I suspect that CERN has made other changes just to try to drive people crazy. Anyway, as a result of CERN's changes, people are now questioning  everything else they know to be true, including passages of the Bible they have been taught. Many Christians are believing that the altered texts are true. Even ministers of the gospel (part of the "elect") are believing Satan's lies, including blasphemous words that are now in the Bible. The Grand Delusion spoken of in the Bible has begun. 

"In the beginning was the Word. The Word was God, and the Word was with God." From that scripture, we see that Jesus is the true Word. The Bible is a physical and digital document that is God's love letter to the Church; The Bible is a part of the creation. We must be careful to worship the Creator, not the creation. As Christians, we must have a relationship with  the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Christians must have the Word hidden in their hearts.  "Because they have not my Word, I will send (allow) them a grand delusion and let them believe a lie.

I always believed that the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible would never change, but no thanks to CERN, it has. For example, what did the Bible say would lie down with the lamb in the earthly reign of Christ? Find your oldest, most marked-up, tattered KJV. Go to Isaiah 11:6. What does it say now? It says, "the wolf." If you had read the passage or been taught the passage, you can see that what it says is different from what was hidden in your heart. This example is only one of many, many changes made by the Enemy, Satan, who is working through the deluded scientists at CERN. 
I Googled "lion shall lay down with the lamb." One of the listings cited "The lion shall lie down with the lamb as one of the most misquoted scriptures. I Googled images of the scripture and got the pictures on the bottom of this page.

The changes from what you know to what is a new reality is known as the Quantum Effect, Mandela Effect, or Quantum/Mandela Effect. Do not get bogged down in the name of the phenomenon, because the name is not as important as the phenomenon itself. 

Through CERN, Satan has gone into high gear to make you doubt everything you ever knew to be true. In CERN's video Symmetry, the scientists tell us their experiments will cause people to lose their minds. I, a very large group of prayer intercessors, and YouTube subscribers want to keep your mind intact.  The goal of this Web site is to search for Truth in scripture and elsewhere.  Look at the links on the attached blogs and the uploaded videos to connect the dots. I say that all of the dots lead to CERN and the Father of Lies, Satan.

By now, you know that I abhor CERN.  If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to share them. Check back later for new updates to the website. I will add videos and comments about other Quantum/Mandela Effects and CERN. There's much more to come! Shalom!

I invite you to The material on the site took a tremendous amount of research from me and others. I have asked for and received permission to post videos from individuals who share my core beliefs in the spiritual nature of the Mandela Effect. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Knowledge of the Word Survey+

Survey For Christians Regarding Knowledge of the Word

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him;” - John 1: 1

“Thy Word have I hidden in mine heart that thy might not sin against thee.” – Psalm 119:11

The following questions are for you to examine what God’s Spirit has hidden in your heart.

1. Ps 46:1
Be still and know I am God. I will be exalted among the _________

2. Isaiah 11:6/Isaiah 65:25
The _____ and the lamb will lie down together

3. Daniel 2:34-45
What is the name of the king who had a dream about last days’ kingdoms? Magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers failed at interpretation. Silver arms and chest, bronze belly and thighs, iron legs, feet and toes of iron and clay, Daniel interpreted his dream. The name starts with N.

4. Matthew 12:40-41
What is the name of the preacher who God told to go and preach in Nineveh? He was swallowed by a whale.

5. Mark 2:22, Luke 5:37
No man putteth new wine into old ____; else the new wine doth burst the ___.

6. Luke 17:26
As it was in the days of ____, so shall it be in the days of the Son of Man.

7. Luke 21:9
…when you hear of wars and _________, be not afraid; for these things must first come to pass …

What I remember learning vs. what is currently in the Bible

1. Ps 46:1
The Bible now says heathen.

2. Isaiah 11:6/Isaiah 65:25
The Bible now says wolf.

3. Daniel 2:34-45
The name is misspelled Nebuchadrezzar 31 times.

4. Matthew 12:40-41
The name is now Jonas instead of Jonah.
There is no more Jonah and the whale.

5. Mark 2:22, Luke 5:37
Wineskin – The Bible now says bottle.
Bottle is now in the Bible 25 times; those did not exist when Jesus was on earth.

6. Luke 17:27
Noah (The Bible now says Noe.)
Noah’s name is misspelled 5 times in the KJV

7. Luke 21:9
Rumors of war
The Bible now says commotions.

Misc: Not According to the Bible I remember

Genesis 21:14a-19  Bottle of water???
Exodus 13:12, 15     Matrix is now in the Bible 5 times.
Exodus 34:14           God’s name is Jealous?????  What????
Leviticus 2:7, 7:9      Frying pan? – These were not invented yet.
Numbers 24:8          Unicorn?????
1 Kings 11: 22          Apes and peacocks
2 Kings 18:27           Piss/pisseth in now in the Bible 8 times.   Nope.
Psalms 18:43           Not my God.
Ecclesiastes 3:11     Wow!!!! What?????
Jeremiah 9:11           Dragons   This is used 9 times in KJV.
Ezekiel 12:3, 4, 7     Stuff is now in the Bible 13 times.
Matthew 2:17           Jeremie. What??? The name should be Jeremiah.  
Matthew 27:9           Jeremy   Who is Jeremy??????
Luke 17:34-35          Homosexuality innuendo (2 men in a bed, 2 women grinding)
Luke 19:12-27          WHAAAAT????????
Pounds, money, trading – These words were not used back then.
Slay them before me?????!!!!  – Not the Jesus I know.
Acts 12:4                  Easter (It should be Passover.) “Easter” was not a word then.
Romans 9:29           Sodoma and Gomorrha – The names are misspelled.
2 Peter 2:16             Dumb ass?????
2 John 12                 Pen and ink – These had not been created when Jesus was on earth.      
-- There is no more Sanhedrin

CERN, the Destroyer

God’s Word that His Spirit has hidden in a Christian’s heart will never change, but the physical Word (all versions of the Bible) is being altered. The King James Version seems to be undergoing the most changes.

Those changes are likely caused by a group of scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland experimenting with the dimensions of time and space. I know that sounds impossible, but how can anyone account for every physical copy of the Bible, both digital and paper copies and every version, having words/sentences added and removed? For example, if you look at your grandmother’s 100-year-old Bible on your bookshelf, it reads differently from what you were taught.

This phenomenon is known as the Mandela Effect or the Quantum Effect. The Mandela/Quantum Effect is a residue of what you have been taught. For a Christian, that residue/memory comes from what the Holy Spirit breathed into that individual.

Sadly, most Christians will convince themselves that Jesus actually wanted His enemies to be brought to Him and slain before Him. Many Christians will also convince themselves of the lie that the disciples wrote apes, unicorns, dragons, Easter, and dumb asses in the Bible by the disciples. Remember that Satan is the father of lies.

God told us in Matt. 24:24, “For there shall arise false christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” CERN has created a strong delusion by adding and taking away from the written Word.

The passage is being played out before our eyes. Changes to Bibles are being made in real time, sometimes before our very eyes. The alterations are increasing in frequency and becoming more bizarre; some additions involve things that are against God’s nature and Jesus’ nature and character. They’re becoming more anti-Christian.

Deuteronomy 4:2 tells us, “You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.

Revelation 22:1 says, And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

Deuteronomy 4:2 and Revelation 21:1 do not say that it is impossible to add or take away words from the Bible. The command is written like the Ten Commandments: thou shalt not.  ...” CERN is using the quantum physics law that works like faith: every physical thing is subject to change.

Please tell the congregation to trust what God has hidden in their hearts. Amos 8:11 warns us, “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:

For more information, see Mandela/Quantum Effect or just Mandela Effect videos on YouTube and blogs about the phenomenon.   

Monday, July 4, 2016

Mandela/Quantum Madness and the Quest for Truth

Mandela/Quantum Madness and the Quest for Truth

I went on the research kick. I found some more interesting video links. Here they are:

File the CERN video under 'These folks really love to brag about themselves.' CERN made that video many years ago. I especially love (not) the part in the video that talks about making you lose your mind. It looks like the scientists had a good idea of the impact of their experiments. These people are truly twisted in the head. I'm happy that God has a special place for these people who have caused all of this misery.


That video is about the history of CERN.

Watch "Time, CERN, and the Bible" on YouTube.

Watch "Its All About Yeshua" on YouTube,

Quantum Faith - Segment 1

Quantum Faith - Segment 2

Quantum Faith - Segment 3

Quantum Mechanics of Faith

This last video involves using faith to call things that are not as though they are. Ms. Capps says all things that are physical are subject to change (look at the section from 15:19 to 16:39).

Faith uses the laws of quantum physics. The Bible is a physical document that was written by men who were inspired by the Word of God.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Mandela/Quantum Effect and CERN: How? and Why?

Mandela/Quantum Effect and CERN: How? and Why?

There are so very many videos about the Mandela Effect (ME). I realize that you have likely seen many, many videos about the ME. The list of changes continues to grow by the minute.

The Effect cannot be proven tangibly at right now (July 2016). I wanted to determine why and the how people’s realities could be changed. I set out to look at science, to find out whether the dimensions of time and space could be manipulated. I also wanted to ascertain the whys of this issue.

The first link below is just one compilation of the many anomalies in the Mandela/Quantum Effect; I posted the first link for individuals who are new to the topic. The YouTube posts and Google listings on ME continue to grow daily.

The main focus of this particular list involves general information about CERN, viewpoints of Christian and quantum science specialists, and a few of the oddities linked to CERN.

The Mandela/Quantum Effect


Top 10 Best Proofs of the Mandela Effect: CERN Changing History 2016

Urgent ALERT This will affect everyone! MUST SEE mandela and cern

The Mandela Effect WHY CERN Holds the KEY. What YOU Aren't Supposed To Know.
Mind Blowing Proof of what Could be Causing the Mandela Effect

MANDELA EFFECT! Quantum Computing Artificial Intelligence Is Here!


Brian Cox Higgs Boson Particle Discovery BBC

A Crash Course In Particle Physics (1 of 2)

A Crash Course In Particle Physics (2 of 2)

Brian Cox: Particle Physics Lecture at CERN - Master of Science (DOCUMENTARY)

ʬ Pbs NOVA 2015: Big Bang Machine CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) - BBC Documentary YouTube

Quantum Time, CERN and the Quantum Effect:
Paul Adams


CERN Oddities

The list below involves CERN and oddities surrounding CERN.

Extremely Strange Cloud Portal Anomaly Forms Above CERN - Caught on Radar 07.05.2016

CERN Cracks Earths Shield

Here We Go!! CERN Potentially Discovered The Mysterious Particle "X"

Stephen Hawking - The God Particle Could Destroy Us All

Mystery of the Large Hadron Collider (Short)


Trumpets Are Sounding Around The World (from the sky)

Strange Sounds Being Heard Worldwide 2016... (Shocking Footage)

MEDIA SHUT DOWN! UFO Sightings HAARP Conspiracy NWO Illuminati CERN? 2015 Share This!

CERN Large Hadron collider LHC BSRT beams show Demon faces 24th September

Demon Faces in close up analysis Cern beam footage and animals

CERN's Sept. Event & "Unidentified Falling Objects inside LHC"- CERN Scientists.

Mysterious City Appears In Sky Above China

Alien Or Heavenly Realm Appears Over New York?

UFO entering Interdimensional Portal over Geneva SWITZERLAND - Dec 2015 !!!

NEW HUGE Phenomenon observed over Geneva - CERN Area Sept 28, 2015 !

End Times: What Portal did CERN Open Now? Strange Clouds Hover at CERN LHC Cause CONCERN.

What portal did CERN open now? Strange Clouds Hover Above the LHC

BOMBSHELL: CERN and the LHC Just Shook The Entire Planet Like A Drunkard


Aldous Huxley Describes the Dancing Shiva Image

CERN And Shiva The Dance of Destruction

The folks at CERN love to brag about themselves
Videos Produced By CERN and Commentary


Symmetry: A Short Film

CERN film "Symmetry" Exposed illuminati END OF TIME RITUAL (R$E)

CERN: Symmetry Movie Predicts Devastating Cataclysm

CERN Dance of Destruction - Symmetry & Pet Goat

We are "Happy" at CERN

Christian Perspectives, Christian Physics Study 


The truth about CERN and the vatican's secret plan

Watch "Time, CERN, and the Bible" on YouTube

Sermon: What Christians should know about CERN

CERN-Shiva-Apollyon rising

CERN and the Bottomless Pit:
CERN; ABADDON'S Key to the bottomless pit and Locust army

Christian Quantum Physics +
Chuck Missler Scientific Proof Of The MATRIX A Virtual Reality Universe

Chuck Missler Spiritual Realms Beyond Space & Time

Annette Capps and Charles Capps (Audio only):

Annette Capps and Charles Capps (Video):
Quantum Faith - Segment 1

Annette Capps and Charles Capps (Video):
Quantum Faith - Segment 2

Annette Capps and Charles Capps (Video):
Quantum Faith - Segment 3

Questioned Bible Content

Wendy Mitchell Blogspot of Real-time Changes As of June 27, 2016:

Mandela Effect Wiki Forum

Miscellaneous Illuminati Aspects Connected To CERN

The Brave New World Order: The 9/11 Pyramid Mega-Ritual (Video)

Strange Pyramid Shape Find That Connects to 9/11... | 9/11 and Ground Zero



Did the 911 inside job opening of the CERN gate?

Opening of Gotthard Tunnel

Gotthard Tunnel (Close to CERN) Satanic Opening Ceremony Playlist

Satanic Gotthard Base Tunnel Ceremony DECODED World's Longest Tunnel Serpent Train of TIME

Uncut Occult ceremony at the Opening of World’s longest tunnel near CERN in Gotthard massif.+ sound

This list is by no means comprehensive. Each YouTube link opens a page full of semi-related links on YouTube. I had to narrow this down to links that are I felt were most directly related to the why and how of the Mandela/Quantum Effect. Feel to email me if you find other information directly related to the how and why of the ME. My email address is